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The Royal Family is a Mess!

“Here’s some news that will make everyone feel a little better and that is: the Royal Family is just as messed up as everyone else is!” (applause, laughter, applause) ~ Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show referring to Oprah’s interview with Prince Harry and Meghan.

When I heard Jimmy Fallon say this, all I heard was “THE ROYAL FAMILY IS A MESS!” and as this statement echoed in my head and heart, I knew the Lord was speaking to me about the family of God - the body of Christ as well as all believing biological family units. We are a bloody mess! Let’s face it. But, I am here today to tell you that He is here to clean up the family mess in America - to wash our crimson stains as white as snow!

I was listening to a pastor recently who, in his prayer time, experienced something of being in the heavenly realms and it was the most wonderful feeling, he explained. Then suddenly in this experience, he found himself in the same place - that heavenly realm but he was all alone and even though it was clearly still heaven, he explained, it felt like hell. Then the Lord spoke to him and said, “I’m allowing you to feel this because this is what my people now need to grow in - Koinonia." The pastor went on to explain that while the “Ecclesia” refers to the administration and organization of the church, "Koinonia" refers to the family of the church, and so many are all alone within the family. To feel all alone within family is hell.


This is the third and final blog in my series for the song Coffee. I know in the deepest parts of my praying spirit that the Lord wants to heal families right now. In America specifically our victory over the presiding darkness depends on it. And I am certain that the Lord is pouring out healing for families and relationships of all types right now, including the family of America itself. He is bringing breakthrough in relationships and over issues you never thought would be possible this side of heaven - you never thought you’d see in your lifetime. He is pouring out new love, new grace, new peace, new understanding in fights and hurt feelings and divisions within families that have gone on generation after generation! He is healing the generations. He is offering up new gladness and honor and victory within long lived family battles right now. His heart is heavy with the oil of gladness over it. His heart is full of relief and release from the bondage of the accuser causing such family divisions. The truth will ring clear in the hearts of the members of relationships and a clearing wind will begin to blow gentle - to put out the fires of inflamed woundings and rekindle the flames of passion and connection within families and their generational connections. HE will fix what’s broken so you don’t have to. HE will come as the repairer of the breach in situations that are too convoluted and confusing to sort through on your own if we will only surrender to Him and His presence. His ways are higher than our ways. HE will bring His Light into the darkened places of relationship among His people - His body of believers. Wait for it. Watch for it. Cooperate and partner with it and receive it in fullness of JOY when it comes. It is coming and it has already come.

Love to all,


You can listen to the song here:

For the full STORY BEHIND THE SONG, you can follow the the entire Coffee blog series.

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About Coffee


The Common Ground Sound Project revolves around the true story of the debates and divisions within a Texas cattle ranching family, spanning four generations, with a message to the fifth - the "fifth" representing all future generations. The story is told first through an award winning film, followed by a book, the release of the twelve song story album, and coming soon, a multi media stage production. The messages of this project are supported by unique products and powerful online resources and forums to help families celebrate their heritage, mend divisions, and heal brokenness among individual relationships within American families and the family of America. Subsequently, we believe this will bring healing to our divided nation and abroad.

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