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Well, this is how Google defines it...




Learn to pronounce

  1. an ordinary person, without rank or title.

    "this is the story of the commoner who married a king

  2. a person who has the right of common (commonage).
    "commoners' centuries-old grazing rights"

BUT this is how I define it... 

A "Commoner" by Common Ground Sound standards, is a member of the most important people group in the world. Today, the day I'm writing and publishing this to my website, is November 3rd - election day 2020! This is the day that the American Commoner is most important. And while today is a critical day in desperate need of the voice of the Commoner, every day needs the irreplaceable value of each and every Commoner in this country! We are the people of "we the people." I have never been more convinced that the solutions to our problems in this country will never be solved by "those in power" but rather through the power of the people, which is how the system was designed to work in the first place. Whether or not we disagree, it is up to us to put our opinions and insights into power and rise up as Proud Commoners to peacefully protest what we believe is wrong and take action in making things right again.


My family's story is one of countless American family stories over the years. But, as I've studied the character and integrity of my family, even with its flaws and fights and divisions, I see that my family was made up of Commoners doing their part to stand their ground for what each of them viewed as most beneficial and prosperous, not only for themselves but for the family, community, and world around them. I am a PROUD COMMONER! and I hope you are too.

Each of our subscribers gets one of these cheap little rubber wristbands in the mail.  This wristband gets our subscribers into select concerts and other events and surprises. But, there's so much more to it than a cheap rubber wristband with perks. I hope that you keep it as a keepsake and reminder of how incredibly important and valuable you are in this country at this time. Proverbs 11:11 says, "By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted: but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked."

#riseofthecommonersvoice #prayup #riseup #speakup

If you have previously subscribed and have not yet received your wristband, it is on its way now! If you'd like to subscribe so you too can have this precious little keepsake, just fill in this information and I will get it in the mail to you right away! 


Thanks for joining The Commoners!

The Common Ground Sound Project revolves around the true story of the debates and divisions within a Texas cattle ranching family, spanning four generations, with a message to the fifth - the "fifth" representing all future generations. The story is told first through an award winning film, followed by a book, the release of the twelve song story album, and coming soon, a multi media stage production. The messages of this project are supported by unique products and powerful online resources and forums to help families celebrate their heritage, mend divisions, and heal brokenness among individual relationships within American families and the family of America. Subsequently, we believe this will bring healing to our divided nation and abroad.

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  • The Common Ground Sound Project

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