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While listening to these recordings, don't think about quality of technical sound, even though I've done my best to edit and remaster these recordings. Think instead about the quality of familiar sound. Think about the storyteller's life as you hear her ever so gently puff on a cigarette in between her woven tales. When I hear that sound, I immediately smell tobacco burning and I feel I am sitting right there with her, in that time. These sounds were captured on cassette tape in the late seventies or early eighties. This is the sound of a Texas woman from another era. This is the sound of heritage celebrated. It is a beauty-full sound. I know this is my family but as you listen, let their sound seep into your heart and let them become your family too.

(Oh and from a phone or tablet, be sure you click "show all tracks" so you don't miss the last track -"Santa Claus") 

Love to all, 


While listening to these recordings, don't think about quality of technical sound, even though I've done my best to edit and remaster these recordings. Think instead about the quality of familiar sound. Think about the singers lives, audibly full of dust and smoke. These sounds were captured at a late 1970's family reunion. This is the sound of a family from another era who, after somehow surviving the dirty thirties and the great depression, was finally prosperous and living the American dream. This is the sound of heritage celebrated. This is the sound of struggles overcome. This is the sound of together. It is a beauty-full sound. Listen close to enjoy the priceless nuances heard within the quips and chuckles buried in the middle of the songs and throughout the recording. I know this is my family but as you listen, let their sound seep into your heart and let them become your family too.

Love to all, 


FAMILY REUNION Vol 1 Keep a Sangin'

FAMILY REUNION Pearl - Sharp Ol' Times

 In this collection you'll hear Pearl sing songs and tell stories. It is such a precious volume well worth the snaps and crackles of the old recording. Pearl is well on in age in these recordings. The tracks begin with a joyful "Are you ready?" from Pearl, and then fade at the end with Pearl reflecting. "We had some sharp ol' times ... trying to make a living..." she says. This is the sound of a true pioneer woman. This is the sound of a joy that had the power to conquer all adversity. This is the sound of the mother's voice. It is a beauty-full sound. You might have to listen closely to make out the words but you will be so glad you did. I know this is my family but as you listen, let Pearl's sweet sound seep into your heart and let her become your family too.


Love to all, 



FAMILY REUNION Vol 2  - Gospel Sangin'

This collection is almost my favorite one. The first track is hilarious to me, and just keeps getting funnier and funnier the longer it goes on. But then finally! (You'll see what I mean.) Let me say this again: While listening to these recordings, don't think about quality of technical sound, even though I've done my best to edit and remaster these recordings. Think instead about the quality of familiar sound. Think about the singers lives, audibly full of dust and smoke. These sounds were captured at a late 1970's family reunion. This is the sound of a family from another era who, after somehow surviving the dirty thirties and the great depression, was finally prosperous and living the American dream. This is the sound of heritage celebrated. This is the sound of struggles overcome. This is the sound of together. It is a beauty-full sound. Listen close to enjoy the priceless nuances heard within the quips and chuckles buried in the middle of the songs and throughout the recording. I know this is my family but as you listen, let their sound seep into your heart and let them become your family too.


Love to all, 



The Common Ground Sound Project revolves around the true story of the debates and divisions within a Texas cattle ranching family, spanning four generations, with a message to the fifth - the "fifth" representing all future generations. The story is told first through an award winning film, followed by a book, the release of the twelve song story album, and coming soon, a multi media stage production. The messages of this project are supported by unique products and powerful online resources and forums to help families celebrate their heritage, mend divisions, and heal brokenness among individual relationships within American families and the family of America. Subsequently, we believe this will bring healing to our divided nation and abroad.

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  • The Common Ground Sound Project

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