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Good Lord! The Times They Had Changed!

Imagine if you will, riding horseback through a few head of cattle with a rag held to your mouth, looking off into the distance to see yet another thick, black wall of killer dust headed your way. You're stuck in Hansford County where you thought there would be so much hope for you. You look into the eyes of that evil storm blowing hard and fast straight toward you and you decide, again, that you will survive it, you determine within yourself that you will prevail over it, if only for the future sake of your ten children.

But without faith it is impossible to please Him. For he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6

My great grandfather, Homer Cluck, was not really the church going type, but I believe, through several stories passed down, that he must have diligently sought the Lord on days like this. And I believe he was greatly rewarded!

I cannot WAIT to share this next song called, "Fort Worth" with you! It is the joy of the project! I sat with an outsider-looking-in on my family in those days, and with tears of joy, he told me the story of a bumper crop in 1943 that changed everything for my family - possibly in answer to Homer's private prayers... maybe even some he prayed from upstairs after he moved to Heaven in 1940!

In honor of the National Finals Rodeo coming to DFW this year, I plan to release "Fort Worth" Thursday, December 3rd - the first day of the rodeo. And boy, do I have some NFR memories to share with you this week. Check back to download "Fort Worth" this Thursday! ♤♡◇♧

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The Common Ground Sound Project revolves around the true story of the debates and divisions within a Texas cattle ranching family, spanning four generations, with a message to the fifth - the "fifth" representing all future generations. The story is told first through an award winning film, followed by a book, the release of the twelve song story album, and coming soon, a multi media stage production. The messages of this project are supported by unique products and powerful online resources and forums to help families celebrate their heritage, mend divisions, and heal brokenness among individual relationships within American families and the family of America. Subsequently, we believe this will bring healing to our divided nation and abroad.

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